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Come Fully Alive to the Adventure of Your Calling!

Many people hit a season in life where they look up and wonder,

“How did I get here?”

Stuck? Plateaued? Perhaps just a bit too comfortable? There can be many reasons you may find yourself in a space you did not intend to be. The important thing is where do you want to go? More important than that, where does God want you to go? Who is He calling you to be?


If this is the first time you have found yourself at this crossroad and you have a plan to do something about it–great! But if you have been here before, maybe even multiple times and have always said, Someday I will do something about this but never have, then maybe you need to approach it in a different manner. 


Down deep inside you know there is a longing that calls to your soul. You know God has created you for a purpose. You know you are meant to move on. It's time to stop playing it safe and lean into walking by faith.


Coaching is the catalyst to turn what you know into a reality. It provides the structure and the scaffolding to move you forward. This Wayfaring Life: Growth Coaching for Life, Leadership and Spiritual Formation is a place to champion and encourage you on your journey.

Meet Your Coach 

Dawn Jackson

Born and raised in SoCal, I am passionate about Jesus, the outdoors and seeing people come fully alive to the call of God on their life. I believe that life is a gift from God and how we live it is our gift back to him. I want to live it well. I would imagine you do too! Read more.... â€‹



Coaching with Dawn

Together let’s get past the barriers and obstacles that are holding you back. Let’s successfully navigate the transitions and crossroads that make you feel overwhelmed. Let’s connect in community and allow the Spirit to breathe fresh life into your soul as you follow the call of God on your life.

Video Call

Individual Coaching

Video Conference

Group Coaching

Virtual Team Meeting

Custom Group Coaching

A three to four month experience with a predetermined topic. Each session includes a short webinar followed by group coaching. You focus on your specific circumstances and decide on action steps that fit your context.


Benefits: Group accountability, networking and reduced cost.

Work with a group of your friends or colleagues around a topic of your choice. Various resources and instructional segments will be added based on the groups goals.​


Benefits: Team building, deeper work within the safety of trusted relationships and reduced cost. 

Work one-on-one with me as we focus on your unique journey.


Benefits: You have the option to shift and redirect the focus at any time while we work at your pace with your goals in mind.

Wayfaring Experiences

I am a RevWild certified outdoor leader and love providing opportunities for people to encounter the presence of God in the wild. Wayfaring Experiences are specifically crafted to integrate outdoor adventure with spiritual formation, while introducing people to the beauty of the backcountry..

Coming Soon....

On the Trail

Wayfaring Experiences/Adventures

Watch this space for a combination of group coaching with backcountry adventures

Sitting on a Bench


Weekend retreats providing space for deep, immersive work

This Wayfaring Life Podcast

A place to champion and encourage you on your journey.

Image by Austin Distel

Stories and conversations that will inspire you to step out of the boat and come fully alive to the adventure of following Jesus. Each episode is filled with hope, inspiration, challenge and humor, all while being seasoned with just enough grit to give you traction.



When I started my sessions with Dawn, I was finishing up my degree and I didn’t have a clear awareness or vision for what the next chapter of my life could look like. I was comfortable & coasting in a lot of areas. Learning what my unique needs, values, mission and vision are has helped me to make decisions that are in alignment with how God designed me. Living in alignment has brought me so much peace as it’s allowed me to live more confidently & authentically.



I started working with Dawn Jackson in April of 2023, and in just a couple of months, my personal and spiritual mindsets have shifted in a way I couldn't have imagined. She has given me tools that have enlightened me and shifted my thinking outside of myself.
She has helped me to be clear in areas of my life where I was unsure of the direction I wanted to go, and because of that, doors of opportunities have been opening up.


Dawn’s wisdom and coaching has been instrumental to my personal development and growth in my spiritual/mental/emotional and vocational health. She has given language to areas I’ve felt lost and confused in. Realizing I’m not what I do but who I am, has reignited clarity and purpose in my life that was missing. I’m forever grateful for her insight and sensitivity to what God has been working on in me. 


During covid, a stir in my spirit took place to move into the next step of my career. That is what propelled me to search for a life coach that would provide guidance and insight with leadership. Dawn was instrumental with interviews, helping me understand my new team and leveraging what my corporate office has to offer in building a team. I know Dawn’s coaching built my confidence in leading at a higher level. 


Wayfaring Adventures

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage... Psalm 84:4

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